Accreditation Overview

There are two types of accreditation for colleges: institutional or specialized (programmatic). Institutional accreditation looks at the college in its entirety, whereby specialized accreditation is discipline specific. These different types of accreditation, while there are often elements of overlap, are not dependent upon one another.

The accreditation process is a comprehensive review of a university mission, faculty qualifications, and curricula, and the process includes self-evaluations, peer-reviews, committee reviews, and the development of in-depth strategic plans. Accreditation ensures that students are learning material most relevant to their field of study, preparing them to be effective leaders upon graduation.


Types of Accreditation


  • Institutional Accreditation

Institutional accreditation is an overall review of the entire university, and is typically done by a country’s national or regional accrediting body. These national agencies perform a review of the entire university, from its operating budgets to its student services.

Depending on where the university is located, it must be approved by one of these agencies in order to grant degrees and be considered legitimate in the country in which it operates. In most cases, institutional accreditation must be maintained, requiring a school to be reviewed every few years.


  • Programmatic Accreditation

Once institutional accreditation is earned, universities can take accreditation a step further and seek "specialized" or "professional" accreditations for each of their disciplines. Specialized reviews are done by nongovernmental, private agencies that are knowledgeable about a particular field of study. For example, a College of Management can apply for specialized accreditations that specifically review its management programs.

Programmatic accreditation communicates to other schools, potential employers, and the general public that the university’s degree programs in a particular field have passed a rigorous review, and that students are learning all they need to know about that area of study. Specialized accreditation also must be maintained.

Programmatic accreditation can affect the ability of students/graduates to find employment, transfer classes between universities, and pursue additional degrees at other institutions. However, not all specialized accreditations are alike. Some are recognized only within its home country, while others are recognized worldwide.



Accreditation matters because your students deserve the highest level of educational excellence possible. Therefore, we require schools to have proper, rigours and modern curriculum in different subjects. Colleges within our accreditation scheme have the opportunity to adopt those  curriculum recommended by us.



Your college certificates will carry our logo and have a special serial number that can be verfied through our website.


Boosting Reputation

Accredited college will rank among accredited and/or certified bodies, raise your international credit, keep ahead of your competitors and draw the public attention to the merits of your school. Your college name and logo will be published on our website. 


Web Platform

Accredited colleges have their own web page on our website where they can display their news, achievements, news and updates. They can also share their success stories and experiences.


Support & Advice

We will help accredited bodies and their students verify and authenticate their certificates. We can also verify any certificate for students who studied in the UK, Europe or the US.  

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